Python API Documentation


class pymatching.matching.Matching(graph: Union[csc_matrix, ndarray, PyGraph, Graph, List[List[int]], stim.DetectorErrorModel, spmatrix] = None, weights: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, error_probabilities: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, repetitions: int = None, timelike_weights: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, measurement_error_probabilities: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, **kwargs)

A class for constructing matching graphs and decoding using the minimum-weight perfect matching decoder. The matching graph can be constructed using the Matching.add_edge and Matching.add_boundary_edge methods. Alternatively, it can be loaded from a parity check matrix (a scipy.sparse matrix or numpy.ndarray with one or two non-zero elements in each column), a NetworkX or retworkx graph, or from a stim.DetectorErrorModel.


Return the indices of the boundary nodes.


The number of detectors in the matching graph.


The number of edges in the matching graph


The number of fault IDs defined in the matching graph


The number of nodes in the matching graph


add_boundary_edge(node[, fault_ids, weight, ...])

Add an edge connecting node to the boundary

add_edge(node1, node2[, fault_ids, weight, ...])

Add an edge to the matching graph


Add noise by flipping edges in the matching graph with a probability given by the error_probility edge attribute.

decode(z[, _legacy_num_neighbours, ...])

Decode the syndrome z using minimum-weight perfect matching

decode_batch(shots, *[, return_weights, ...])

Decode from a 2D shots array containing a batch of syndrome measurements.


Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning the edges in the solution, given as pairs of detector node indices in a numpy array.


Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning the pairs of matched detection events (or detection events matched to the boundary) as a 2D numpy array.


Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning a dictionary giving the detection event that each detection event was matched to (or None if it was matched to the boundary).


Draw the matching graph using matplotlib Draws the matching graph as a matplotlib graph.


Edges of the matching graph Returns a list of edges of the matching graph.


Set the minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph.

from_check_matrix(check_matrix[, weights, ...])

Load a matching graph from a check matrix


Constructs a pymatching.Matching object by loading from a stim.DetectorErrorModel.


Construct a pymatching.Matching by loading from a stim DetectorErrorModel file path.

from_networkx(graph, *[, min_num_fault_ids])

Returns a new pymatching.Matching object from a NetworkX graph


Constructs a pymatching.Matching object by loading from a stim.Circuit


Construct a pymatching.Matching by loading from a stim circuit file path.


Returns the edge data associated with the boundary edge (node,).

get_edge_data(node1, node2)

Returns the edge data associated with the edge (node1, node2).


Returns True if the boundary edge (node,) is in the graph.

has_edge(node1, node2)

Returns True if edge (node1, node2) is in the graph.

load_from_check_matrix([check_matrix, ...])

Load a matching graph from a check matrix

load_from_networkx(graph, *[, min_num_fault_ids])

Load a matching graph from a NetworkX graph into a pymatching.Matching object

load_from_retworkx(graph, *[, min_num_fault_ids])

Load a matching graph from a retworkX graph


Set boundary nodes in the matching graph.


Convert to NetworkX graph Returns a NetworkX graph corresponding to the matching graph.


Convert to retworkx graph Returns a retworkx graph object corresponding to the matching graph.

__init__(graph: Union[csc_matrix, ndarray, PyGraph, Graph, List[List[int]], stim.DetectorErrorModel, spmatrix] = None, weights: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, error_probabilities: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, repetitions: int = None, timelike_weights: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, measurement_error_probabilities: Union[float, ndarray, List[float]] = None, **kwargs)

Constructor for the Matching class

graphscipy.spmatrix or numpy.ndarray or networkx.Graph or stim.DetectorErrorModel, optional

The matching graph to be decoded with minimum-weight perfect matching, given either as a binary parity check matrix (scipy sparse matrix or numpy.ndarray), a NetworkX or retworkx graph, or a Stim DetectorErrorModel. Each edge in the NetworkX or retworkx graph can have optional attributes fault_ids, weight and error_probability. fault_ids should be an int or a set of ints. Each fault id corresponds to a self-inverse fault that is flipped when the corresponding edge is flipped. These self-inverse faults could correspond to physical Pauli errors (physical frame changes) or to the logical observables that are flipped by the fault (a logical frame change, equivalent to an obersvable ID in an error instruction in a Stim detector error model). The fault_ids attribute was previously named qubit_id in an earlier version of PyMatching, and qubit_id is still accepted instead of fault_ids in order to maintain backward compatibility. Each weight attribute should be a non-negative float. If every edge is assigned an error_probability between zero and one, then the add_noise method can be used to simulate noise and flip edges independently in the graph. By default, None

weightsfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If graph is given as a scipy or numpy array, weights gives the weights of edges in the matching graph corresponding to columns of graph. If weights is a numpy.ndarray, it should be a 1D array with length equal to graph.shape[1]. If weights is a float, it is used as the weight for all edges corresponding to columns of graph. By default None, in which case all weights are set to 1.0 This argument was renamed from spacelike_weights in PyMatching v2.0, but spacelike_weights is still accepted in place of weights for backward compatibility.

error_probabilitiesfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

The probabilities with which an error occurs on each edge corresponding to a column of the check matrix. If a single float is given, the same error probability is used for each edge. If a numpy.ndarray of floats is given, it must have a length equal to the number of columns in the check matrix. This parameter is only needed for the Matching.add_noise method, and not for decoding. By default None

repetitionsint, optional

The number of times the stabiliser measurements are repeated, if the measurements are noisy. This option is only used if check_matrix is provided as a check matrix, not a NetworkX graph. By default None

timelike_weightsfloat, optional

If check_matrix is given as a scipy or numpy array and repetitions>1, timelike_weights gives the weight of timelike edges. If a float is given, all timelike edges weights are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the edge weight for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to timelike_weights[i]. By default None, in which case all timelike weights are set to 1.0

measurement_error_probabilitiesfloat, optional

If check_matrix is given as a scipy or numpy array and repetitions>1, gives the probability of a measurement error to be used for the add_noise method. If a float is given, all measurement errors are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the error probability for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to measurement_error_probabilities[i]. By default None


The remaining keyword arguments are passed to Matching.load_from_check_matrix if graph is a check matrix.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import math
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids={0}, weight=0.1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2, fault_ids={1}, weight=0.15)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 3, fault_ids={2, 3}, weight=0.2)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 3, fault_ids={4}, weight=0.1)
>>> m.set_boundary_nodes({3})
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 3 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 4 edges>

Matching objects can also be created from a check matrix (provided as a scipy.sparse matrix, dense numpy array, or list of lists): >>> import pymatching >>> m = pymatching.Matching([[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) >>> m <pymatching.Matching object with 3 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 4 edges>

add_boundary_edge(node: int, fault_ids: Optional[Union[int, Set[int]]] = None, weight: float = 1.0, error_probability: Optional[float] = None, *, merge_strategy: str = 'disallow', **kwargs) None

Add an edge connecting node to the boundary

node: int

The index of the node to be connected to the boundary with a boundary edge

fault_ids: set[int] or int, optional

The IDs of any self-inverse faults which are flipped when the edge is flipped, and which should be tracked. This could correspond to the IDs of physical Pauli errors that occur when this edge flips (physical frame changes). Alternatively, this attribute can be used to store the IDs of any logical observables that are flipped when an error occurs on an edge (logical frame changes). By default None

weight: float, optional

The weight of the edge. The weight can be positive or negative, but its absolute value cannot exceed the maximum absolute edge weight of 2**24-1=16,777,215. If the absolute value of the weight exceeds this value, the edge will not be added to the graph and a warning will be raised. By default 1.0

error_probability: float, optional

The probability that the edge is flipped. This is used by the add_noise() method to sample from the distribution defined by the matching graph (in which each edge is flipped independently with the corresponding error_probability). By default None

merge_strategy: str, optional

Which strategy to use if the edge (node1, node2) is already in the graph. The available options are “disallow”, “independent”, “smallest-weight”, “keep-original” and “replace”. “disallow” raises a ValueError if the edge (node1, node2) is already present. The “independent” strategy assumes that the existing edge (node1, node2) and the edge being added represent independent error mechanisms, and they are merged into a new edge with updated weights and error_probabilities accordingly (it is assumed that each weight represents the log-likelihood ratio log((1-p)/p) where p is the error_probability and where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since the code has distance 2 if parallel edges have different fault_ids anyway). The “smallest-weight” strategy keeps only the new edge if it has a smaller weight than the existing edge, otherwise the graph is left unchanged. The “keep-original” strategy keeps only the existing edge, and ignores the edge being added. The “replace” strategy always keeps the edge being added, replacing the existing edge. By default, “disallow”


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> print(m.num_edges)
>>> print(m.num_nodes)
>>> import math
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0, fault_ids={0}, weight=math.log((1-0.05)/0.05), error_probability=0.05)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids={1}, weight=math.log((1-0.1)/0.1), error_probability=0.1)
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(1, fault_ids={2}, weight=math.log((1-0.2)/0.2), error_probability=0.2)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 2 detectors, 0 boundary nodes, and 3 edges>
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0, fault_ids=0, weight=2)
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0, fault_ids=1, weight=1, merge_strategy="smallest-weight")
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0, fault_ids=2, weight=3, merge_strategy="smallest-weight")
>>> m.edges()
[(0, None, {'fault_ids': {1}, 'weight': 1.0, 'error_probability': -1.0})]
>>> m.boundary  # Using Matching.add_boundary_edge, no boundary nodes are added (the boundary is a virtual node)
add_edge(node1: int, node2: int, fault_ids: Optional[Union[int, Set[int]]] = None, weight: float = 1.0, error_probability: Optional[float] = None, *, merge_strategy: str = 'disallow', **kwargs) None

Add an edge to the matching graph

node1: int

The index of node1 in the new edge (node1, node2)

node2: int

The index of node2 in the new edge (node1, node2)

fault_ids: set[int] or int, optional

The indices of any self-inverse faults which are flipped when the edge is flipped, and which should be tracked. This could correspond to the IDs of physical Pauli errors that occur when this edge flips (physical frame changes). Alternatively, this attribute can be used to store the IDs of any logical observables that are flipped when an error occurs on an edge (logical frame changes). In earlier versions of PyMatching, this attribute was instead named qubit_id (since for CSS codes and physical frame changes, there can be a one-to-one correspondence between each fault ID and physical qubit ID). For backward compatibility, qubit_id can still be used instead of fault_ids as a keyword argument. By default None

weight: float, optional

The weight of the edge. The weight can be positive or negative, but its absolute value cannot exceed the maximum absolute edge weight of 2**24-1=16,777,215. If the absolute value of the weight exceeds this value, the edge will not be added to the graph and a warning will be raised. By default 1.0

error_probability: float, optional

The probability that the edge is flipped. This is used by the add_noise() method to sample from the distribution defined by the matching graph (in which each edge is flipped independently with the corresponding error_probability). By default None

merge_strategy: str, optional

Which strategy to use if the edge (node1, node2) is already in the graph. The available options are “disallow”, “independent”, “smallest-weight”, “keep-original” and “replace”. “disallow” raises a ValueError if the edge (node1, node2) is already present. The “independent” strategy assumes that the existing edge (node1, node2) and the edge being added represent independent error mechanisms, and they are merged into a new edge with updated weights and error_probabilities accordingly (it is assumed that each weight represents the log-likelihood ratio log((1-p)/p) where p is the error_probability and where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since the code has distance 2 if parallel edges have different fault_ids anyway). The “smallest-weight” strategy keeps only the new edge if it has a smaller weight than the existing edge, otherwise the graph is left unchanged. The “keep-original” strategy keeps only the existing edge, and ignores the edge being added. The “replace” strategy always keeps the edge being added, replacing the existing edge. By default, “disallow”


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> print(m.num_edges)
>>> print(m.num_nodes)
>>> import math
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=2, weight=math.log((1-0.05)/0.05), error_probability=0.05)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2, fault_ids=0, weight=math.log((1-0.1)/0.1), error_probability=0.1)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 0, fault_ids={1, 2}, weight=math.log((1-0.2)/0.2), error_probability=0.2)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 3 detectors, 0 boundary nodes, and 3 edges>
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=0, weight=2)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=1, weight=1, merge_strategy="smallest-weight")
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=2, weight=3, merge_strategy="smallest-weight")
>>> m.edges()
[(0, 1, {'fault_ids': {1}, 'weight': 1.0, 'error_probability': -1.0})]
add_noise() Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]

Add noise by flipping edges in the matching graph with a probability given by the error_probility edge attribute. The error_probability must be set for all edges for this method to run, otherwise it returns None. All boundary nodes are always given a 0 syndrome.

numpy.ndarray of dtype int

Noise vector (binary numpy int array of length self.num_fault_ids)

numpy.ndarray of dtype int

Syndrome vector (binary numpy int array of length self.num_detectors if there is no boundary, or self.num_detectors+len(self.boundary) if there are boundary nodes)

property boundary: Set[int]

Return the indices of the boundary nodes. Note that this property is a copy of the set of boundary nodes. In-place modification of the set Matching.boundary will not change the boundary nodes of the matching graph - boundary nodes should instead be set or updated using the Matching.set_boundary_nodes method.

set of int

The indices of the boundary nodes

decode(z: Union[ndarray, List[int]], _legacy_num_neighbours: Optional[int] = None, _legacy_return_weight: Optional[bool] = None, *, return_weight: bool = False, **kwargs) Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, int]]

Decode the syndrome z using minimum-weight perfect matching


A binary syndrome vector to decode. The number of elements in z should equal the number of nodes in the matching graph. If z is a 1D array, then z[i] is the syndrome at node i of the matching graph. If z is 2D then z[i,j] is the difference (modulo 2) between the (noisy) measurement of stabiliser i in time step j+1 and time step j (for the case where the matching graph is constructed from a check matrix with repetitions>1).

_legacy_num_neighbours: int

The num_neighbours argument available in PyMatching versions 0.x.x is not available in PyMatching v2.0.0 or later, since it introduced an approximation that is not relevant or required in the new version 2 implementation. Providing num_neighbours as this second positional argument will raise an exception in a future version of PyMatching.

_legacy_return_weight: bool

return_weight used to be available as this third positional argument, but should now be set as a keyword argument. In a future version of PyMatching, it will only be possible to provide return_weight as a keyword argument.

return_weightbool, optional

If return_weight==True, the sum of the weights of the edges in the minimum weight perfect matching is also returned. By default False

correctionnumpy.ndarray or list[int]

A 1D numpy array of ints giving the minimum-weight correction operator as a binary vector. The number of elements in correction is one greater than the largest fault ID. The ith element of correction is 1 if the minimum-weight perfect matching (MWPM) found by PyMatching contains an odd number of edges that have i as one of the fault_ids, and is 0 otherwise. If each edge in the matching graph is assigned a unique integer in its fault_ids attribute, then the locations of nonzero entries in correction correspond to the edges in the MWPM. However, fault_ids can instead be used, for example, to store IDs of the physical or logical frame changes that occur when an edge flips (see the documentation for Matching.add_edge for more information).


Present only if return_weight==True. The sum of the weights of the edges in the minimum-weight perfect matching.


If there is no error consistent with the provided syndrome. Occurs if the syndrome has odd parity in the support of a connected component without a boundary.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import numpy as np
>>> check_matrix = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
...               [0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
...               [0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
...               [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]])
>>> m = pymatching.Matching(check_matrix)
>>> z = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])
>>> m.decode(z)
array([1, 1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)

Each bit in the correction provided by Matching.decode corresponds to a fault_ids. The index of a bit in a correction corresponds to its fault_ids. For example, here an error on edge (0, 1) flips fault_ids 2 and 3, as inferred by the minimum-weight correction:

>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids={2, 3})
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2, fault_ids=1)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 0, fault_ids=0)
>>> m.decode([1, 1, 0])
array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=uint8)

To decode with a phenomenological noise model (qubits and measurements both suffering bit-flip errors), you can provide a check matrix and number of syndrome repetitions to construct a matching graph with a time dimension (where nodes in consecutive time steps are connected by an edge), and then decode with a 2D syndrome (dimension 0 is space, dimension 1 is time):

>>> import pymatching
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> check_matrix = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0],
...               [0, 1, 1, 0],
...               [0, 0, 1, 1]])
>>> m = pymatching.Matching(check_matrix, repetitions=5)
>>> data_qubit_noise = (np.random.rand(4, 5) < 0.1).astype(np.uint8)
>>> print(data_qubit_noise)
[[0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1]
 [1 1 0 0 0]]
>>> cumulative_noise = (np.cumsum(data_qubit_noise, 1) % 2).astype(np.uint8)
>>> syndrome = check_matrix@cumulative_noise % 2
>>> print(syndrome)
[[0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1]
 [1 0 0 0 1]]
>>> syndrome[:,:-1] ^= (np.random.rand(3, 4) < 0.1).astype(np.uint8)
>>> # Take the parity of consecutive timesteps to construct a difference syndrome:
>>> syndrome[:,1:] = syndrome[:,:-1] ^ syndrome[:,1:]
>>> m.decode(syndrome)
array([0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=uint8)
decode_batch(shots: ndarray, *, return_weights: bool = False, bit_packed_shots: bool = False, bit_packed_predictions: bool = False) Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]

Decode from a 2D shots array containing a batch of syndrome measurements. A faster alternative to using pymatching.Matching.decode and iterating over the shots in Python.


A 2D numpy array of shots to decode, of dtype=np.uint8.

If bit_packed_shots==False, then shots should have shape shots.shape=(num_shots, syndrome_length), where num_shots is the number of shots (samples), and syndrome_length is the length of the binary syndrome vector to be decoded for each shot. If len(self.boundary)==0 (e.g. if there is no boundary, or only a virtual boundary node, the default when loading from stim) then syndrome_length=self.num_detectors. However, syndrome_length is permitted to be as high as self.num_nodes in case the graph contains detectors nodes with an index larger than self.num_detectors-1 (when len(self.boundary)>0).

If bit_packed_shots==True then shots should have shape shots.shape=(num_shots, math.ceil(syndrome_length / 8)). Bit packing should be done using little endian order on the last axis (like np.packbits(data, bitorder='little', axis=1)), so that the bit for detection event m in shot s can be found at (dets[s, m // 8] >> (m % 8)) & 1.


If True, then also return a numpy array containing the weights of the solutions for all the shots. By default, False.


Set to True to provide shots as a bit-packed array, such that the bit for detection event m in shot s can be found at (dets[s, m // 8] >> (m % 8)) & 1.


Set to True if the returned predictions should be bit-packed, with the bit for fault id m in shot s in (obs[s, m // 8] >> (m % 8)) & 1

predictions: np.ndarray

The batch of predictions output by the decoder, a binary numpy array of dtype=np.uint8 and with shape predictions.shape=(num_shots, self.num_fault_ids). predictions[i, j]=1 iff the decoder predicts that fault id j was flipped in the shot i.

weights: np.ndarray

The weights of the MWPM solutions, a numpy array of dtype=float. weights[i] is the weight of the MWPM solution in shot i.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import stim
>>> circuit = stim.Circuit.generated("surface_code:rotated_memory_x",
...                                  distance=5,
...                                  rounds=5,
...                                  after_clifford_depolarization=0.005)
>>> model = circuit.detector_error_model(decompose_errors=True)
>>> matching = pymatching.Matching.from_detector_error_model(model)
>>> sampler = circuit.compile_detector_sampler()
>>> syndrome, actual_observables = sampler.sample(shots=10000, separate_observables=True)
>>> syndrome.shape
(10000, 120)
>>> actual_observables.shape
(10000, 1)
>>> predicted_observables = matching.decode_batch(syndrome)
>>> predicted_observables.shape
(10000, 1)
>>> num_errors = np.sum(np.any(predicted_observables != actual_observables, axis=1))

We can also decode bit-packed shots, and return bit-packed predictions: >>> import pymatching >>> import stim >>> circuit = stim.Circuit.generated(“surface_code:rotated_memory_x”, … distance=5, … rounds=5, … after_clifford_depolarization=0.005) >>> model = circuit.detector_error_model(decompose_errors=True) >>> matching = pymatching.Matching.from_detector_error_model(model) >>> sampler = circuit.compile_detector_sampler() >>> syndrome, actual_observables = sampler.sample(shots=10000, separate_observables=True, bit_packed=True) >>> syndrome.shape (10000, 15) >>> actual_observables.shape (10000, 1) >>> predicted_observables = matching.decode_batch(syndrome, bit_packed_shots=True, bit_packed_predictions=True) >>> predicted_observables.shape (10000, 1) >>> num_errors = np.sum(np.any(predicted_observables != actual_observables, axis=1))

decode_to_edges_array(syndrome: Union[ndarray, List[int]]) ndarray

Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning the edges in the solution, given as pairs of detector node indices in a numpy array.


A binary syndrome vector to decode. The number of elements in syndrome should equal the number of nodes in the matching graph. If syndrome is a 1D array, then syndrome[i] is the syndrome at node i of the matching graph. If syndrome is 2D then syndrome[i,j] is the difference (modulo 2) between the (noisy) measurement of stabiliser i in time step j+1 and time step j (for the case where the matching graph is constructed from a check matrix with repetitions>1).


A 2D array edges giving the edges in the matching solution as pairs of detector nodes (or as a detector node and the boundary, for a boundary edge). If there are num_predicted_edges edges then the shape of edges is edges.shape=(num_predicted_edges, 2), and edge i is between detector node edges[i, 0] and detector node edges[i, 1]. For a boundary edge i between a detector node k and the boundary (either a boundary node or the virtual boundary node), then pairs[i,0] is k, and pairs[i,1]=-1 denotes the boundary (the boundary is always denoted by -1 and is always in the second column).


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 3)
>>> m.add_edge(3, 4)
>>> m.add_edge(4, 5)
>>> m.add_edge(5, 6)
>>> edges = m.decode_to_edges_array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1])
>>> print(edges)
[[ 0  1]
 [ 0 -1]
 [ 5  4]
 [ 5  6]]
decode_to_matched_dets_array(syndrome: Union[ndarray, List[int]]) ndarray

Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning the pairs of matched detection events (or detection events matched to the boundary) as a 2D numpy array. Each pair of matched detection events returned by this method corresponds to a shortest path between the detection events in the solution to the problem: if you instead want the set of all edges in the solution (pairs of detector nodes), use Matching.decode_to_edges instead. Note that, unlike Matching.decode, Matching.decode_batch and Matching.decode_to_edges_array, this method currently only supports non-negative edge weights.


A binary syndrome vector to decode. The number of elements in syndrome should equal the number of nodes in the matching graph. If syndrome is a 1D array, then syndrome[i] is the syndrome at node i of the matching graph. If syndrome is 2D then syndrome[i,j] is the difference (modulo 2) between the (noisy) measurement of stabiliser i in time step j+1 and time step j (for the case where the matching graph is constructed from a check matrix with repetitions>1).


An 2D array pairs giving the endpoints of the paths between detection events in the solution of the matching. If there are num_paths paths then the shape of pairs is pairs.shape=(num_paths, 2), and path i starts at detection event pairs[i,0] and ends at detection event pairs[i,1]. For a path i connecting a detection event to the boundary (either a boundary node or the virtual boundary node), then pairs[i,0] is the index of the detection event, and pairs[i,1]=-1 denotes the boundary.


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 3)
>>> m.add_edge(3, 4)
>>> m.add_edge(4, 5)
>>> m.add_edge(5, 6)
>>> matched_dets = m.decode_to_matched_dets_array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1])
>>> print(matched_dets)
[[ 1 -1]
 [ 4  6]]
decode_to_matched_dets_dict(syndrome: Union[ndarray, List[int]]) Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, int]]

Decode the syndrome syndrome using minimum-weight perfect matching, returning a dictionary giving the detection event that each detection event was matched to (or None if it was matched to the boundary). Note that (unlike Matching.decode), this method currently only supports non-negative edge weights.


A binary syndrome vector to decode. The number of elements in syndrome should equal the number of nodes in the matching graph. If syndrome is a 1D array, then syndrome[i] is the syndrome at node i of the matching graph. If syndrome is 2D then syndrome[i,j] is the difference (modulo 2) between the (noisy) measurement of stabiliser i in time step j+1 and time step j (for the case where the matching graph is constructed from a check matrix with repetitions>1).


A dictionary mate giving the detection event that each detection event is matched to (or None if it is matched to the boundary). If detection event i is matched to detection event j, then mate[i]=j. If detection event i is matched to the boundary (either a boundary node or the virtual boundary node), then mate[i]=None.


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_boundary_edge(0)
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> m.add_edge(2, 3)
>>> m.add_edge(3, 4)
>>> d = m.decode_to_matched_dets_dict([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> d[3]
>>> d
{0: None, 3: 4, 4: 3}
draw() None

Draw the matching graph using matplotlib Draws the matching graph as a matplotlib graph. Detector nodes are filled grey and boundary nodes are filled white. The line thickness of each edge is determined from its weight (with min and max thicknesses of 0.2 pts and 2 pts respectively). Each node is labelled with its id/index, and each edge is labelled with its fault_ids. Note that you may need to call plt.figure() before and after calling this function.

edges() List[Tuple[int, Optional[int], Dict]]

Edges of the matching graph Returns a list of edges of the matching graph. Each edge is a tuple (source, target, attr) where source and target are ints corresponding to the indices of the source and target nodes, and attr is a dictionary containing the attributes of the edge. The dictionary attr has keys fault_ids (a set of ints), weight (the weight of the edge, set to 1.0 if not specified), and error_probability (the error probability of the edge, set to -1 if not specified).

List of (int, int, dict) tuples

A list of edges of the matching graph

ensure_num_fault_ids(min_num_fault_ids: int) None

Set the minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph.

Let max_id be the maximum fault id assigned to any of the edges in a pymatching.Matching graph m. Then setting m.ensure_num_fault_ids(n) will ensure that Matching.num_fault_ids=max(n, max_id). Note that Matching.num_fault_ids sets the length of the correction array output by Matching.decode.

min_num_fault_ids: int

The required minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph

static from_check_matrix(check_matrix: Union[csc_matrix, spmatrix, ndarray, List[List[int]]], weights: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, error_probabilities: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, repetitions: Optional[int] = None, timelike_weights: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, measurement_error_probabilities: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, *, faults_matrix: Optional[Union[csc_matrix, spmatrix, ndarray, List[List[int]]]] = None, merge_strategy: str = 'smallest-weight', use_virtual_boundary_node: bool = False, **kwargs) Matching

Load a matching graph from a check matrix

check_matrixscipy.csc_matrix or numpy.ndarray or List[List[int]]

The quantum code to be decoded with minimum-weight perfect matching, given as a binary check matrix (scipy sparse matrix or numpy.ndarray)

weightsfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If check_matrix is given as a scipy or numpy array, weights gives the weights of edges in the matching graph corresponding to columns of check_matrix. If weights is a numpy.ndarray, it should be a 1D array with length equal to check_matrix.shape[1]. If weights is a float, it is used as the weight for all edges corresponding to columns of check_matrix. By default None, in which case all weights are set to 1.0 This argument was renamed from spacelike_weights in PyMatching v2.0, but spacelike_weights is still accepted in place of weights for backward compatibility.

error_probabilitiesfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

The probabilities with which an error occurs on each edge associated with a column of check_matrix. If a single float is given, the same error probability is used for each column. If a numpy.ndarray of floats is given, it must have a length equal to the number of columns in check_matrix. This parameter is only needed for the Matching.add_noise method, and not for decoding. By default None

repetitionsint, optional

The number of times the stabiliser measurements are repeated, if the measurements are noisy. By default None

timelike_weightsfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If repetitions>1, timelike_weights gives the weight of timelike edges. If a float is given, all timelike edges weights are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the edge weight for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to timelike_weights[i]. By default None, in which case all timelike weights are set to 1.0

measurement_error_probabilitiesfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If repetitions>1, gives the probability of a measurement error to be used for the add_noise method. If a float is given, all measurement errors are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the error probability for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to measurement_error_probabilities[i]. This argument can also be given using the keyword argument measurement_error_probability to maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of Pymatching. By default None

faults_matrix: `scipy.csc_matrix` or `numpy.ndarray` or List[List[int]], optional

A binary array of faults, which can be used to set the fault_ids for each edge in the constructed matching graph. The fault_ids attribute of the edge corresponding to column j of check_matrix includes fault id i if and only if faults[i,j]==1. Therefore, the number of columns in faults must match the number of columns in check_matrix. By default, faults is just set to the identity matrix, in which case the edge corresponding to column j of check_matrix has fault_ids={j}. As an example, if check_matrix corresponds to the X check matrix of a CSS stabiliser code, then you could set faults to the X logical operators: in this case the output of Matching.decode will be a binary array correction where correction[i]==1 if the decoder predicts that the logical operator corresponding to row i of faults was flipped, given the observed syndrome.

merge_strategy: str, optional

Which strategy to use when adding an edge (node1, node2) that is already in the graph. The available options are “disallow”, “independent”, “smallest-weight”, “keep-original” and “replace”. “disallow” raises a ValueError if the edge (node1, node2) is already present. The “independent” strategy assumes that the existing edge (node1, node2) and the edge being added represent independent error mechanisms, and they are merged into a new edge with updated weights and error_probabilities accordingly (it is assumed that each weight represents the log-likelihood ratio log((1-p)/p) where p is the error_probability and where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since the code has distance 2 if parallel edges have different fault_ids anyway). The “smallest-weight” strategy keeps only the new edge if it has a smaller weight than the existing edge, otherwise the graph is left unchanged. The “keep-original” strategy keeps only the existing edge, and ignores the edge being added. The “replace” strategy always keeps the edge being added, replacing the existing edge. By default, “smallest-weight”

use_virtual_boundary_node: bool, optional

This option determines how columns are handled if they contain only a single 1 (representing a boundary edge). Consider a column contains a single 1 at row index i. If use_virtual_boundary_node=False, then this column will be handled by adding an edge (i, check_matrix.shape[0]), and marking the node check_matrix.shape[0] as a boundary node with Matching.set_boundary(check_matrix.shape[0]). The resulting graph will contain check_matrix.shape[0]+1 nodes, the largest of which is the boundary node. If use_virtual_boundary_node=True then instead the boundary is a virtual node, and this column is handled with Matching.add_boundary_edge(i, …). The resulting graph will contain check_matrix.shape[0] nodes, and there is no boundary node. Both options are handled identically by the decoder, although use_virtual_boundary_node=True is recommended since it is simpler (with a one-to-one correspondence between nodes and rows of check_matrix), and is also slightly more efficient. By default, False (for backward compatibility)


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching.from_check_matrix([[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]])
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 3 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 4 edges>

Matching objects can also be initialised from a sparse scipy matrix:

>>> import pymatching
>>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
>>> check_matrix = csc_matrix([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]])
>>> m = pymatching.Matching.from_check_matrix(check_matrix)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 2 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 3 edges>
static from_detector_error_model(model: stim.DetectorErrorModel) pymatching.Matching

Constructs a pymatching.Matching object by loading from a stim.DetectorErrorModel.

A stim.DetectorErrorModel (DEM) describes a circuit-level noise model in a quantum error correction protocol, and is defined in the Stim documentation: When loading from a DEM, there is a one-to-one correspondence with a detector in the DEM and a node in the pymatching.Matching graph, and each graphlike error in the DEM becomes an edge (or merged into a parallel edge) in the pymatching.Matching graph. A error instruction in the DEM is graphlike if it causes either one or two detection events, and can be either its own DEM instruction, or within a suggested decomposition of a larger DEM instruction. Error instruction in the DEM that cause more than two detection events and do not have a suggested decomposition into edges are ignored. There set of fault_ids assigned to a pymatching.Matching graph edge is the set of logical_observable indices associated with the corresponding graphlike fault mechanism in the DEM. Parallel edges are merged, with weights chosen on the assumption that the error mechanisms associated with the parallel edges are independent. the logical_observable indices associated with the first added parallel edge are kept for the merged edge. If you are loading a pymatching.Matching graph from a DEM, you may be interested in using the sinter Python package for monte carlo sampling:


A stim DetectorErrorModel, with all error mechanisms either graphlike, or decomposed into graphlike error mechanisms


A pymatching.Matching object representing the graphlike error mechanisms in model


>>> import stim
>>> import pymatching
>>> circuit = stim.Circuit.generated("surface_code:rotated_memory_x",
...                                  distance=5,
...                                  rounds=5,
...                                  after_clifford_depolarization=0.005)
>>> model = circuit.detector_error_model(decompose_errors=True)
>>> matching = pymatching.Matching.from_detector_error_model(model)
>>> matching
<pymatching.Matching object with 120 detectors, 0 boundary nodes, and 502 edges>
static from_detector_error_model_file(dem_path: str) Matching

Construct a pymatching.Matching by loading from a stim DetectorErrorModel file path.


The path of the detector error model file


A pymatching.Matching object representing the graphlike error mechanisms in the stim DetectorErrorModel in the file dem_path

static from_networkx(graph: Graph, *, min_num_fault_ids: Optional[int] = None) Matching

Returns a new pymatching.Matching object from a NetworkX graph


Each edge in the NetworkX graph can have optional attributes fault_ids, weight and error_probability. fault_ids should be an int or a set of ints. Each fault id corresponds to a self-inverse fault that is flipped when the corresponding edge is flipped. These self-inverse faults could correspond to physical Pauli errors (physical frame changes) or to the logical observables that are flipped by the fault (a logical frame change, equivalent to an obersvable ID in an error instruction in a Stim detector error model). The fault_ids attribute determines how the solution is output via pymatching.Matching.decode: the binary correction array has length pymatching.Matching.num_fault_ids, and correction[i] is 1 if and only if an odd number of edges in the MWPM solution have i in their fault_ids attribute. The fault_ids attribute was previously named qubit_id in an earlier version of PyMatching, and qubit_id is still accepted instead of fault_ids in order to maintain backward compatibility. Each weight attribute should be a non-negative float. If every edge is assigned an error_probability between zero and one, then the add_noise method can be used to simulate noise and flip edges independently in the graph.

min_num_fault_ids: int

Sets the minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph. Let max_id be the maximum fault id assigned to any of the edges in the graph. Then setting this argument will ensure that Matching.num_fault_ids=max(min_num_fault_ids, max_id). Note that Matching.num_fault_ids sets the length of the correction array output by Matching.decode.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> import math
>>> g = nx.Graph()
>>> g.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=0, weight=math.log((1-0.1)/0.1), error_probability=0.1)
>>> g.add_edge(1, 2, fault_ids=1, weight=math.log((1-0.15)/0.15), error_probability=0.15)
>>> g.nodes[0]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> g.nodes[2]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> m = pymatching.Matching.from_networkx(g)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 1 detector, 2 boundary nodes, and 2 edges>
static from_stim_circuit(circuit: stim.Circuit) pymatching.Matching

Constructs a pymatching.Matching object by loading from a stim.Circuit


A stim circuit containing error mechanisms that are all either graphlike, or decomposable into graphlike error mechanisms


A pymatching.Matching object representing the graphlike error mechanisms in circuit, with any hyperedge error mechanisms decomposed into graphlike error mechanisms. Parallel edges are merged using merge_strategy=”independent”.


>>> import stim
>>> import pymatching
>>> circuit = stim.Circuit.generated("surface_code:rotated_memory_x",
...                                  distance=5,
...                                  rounds=5,
...                                  after_clifford_depolarization=0.005)
>>> matching = pymatching.Matching.from_stim_circuit(circuit)
>>> matching
<pymatching.Matching object with 120 detectors, 0 boundary nodes, and 502 edges>
static from_stim_circuit_file(stim_circuit_path: str) Matching

Construct a pymatching.Matching by loading from a stim circuit file path.


The path of the stim circuit file


A pymatching.Matching object representing the graphlike error mechanisms in the stim circuit in the file stim_circuit_path, with any hyperedge error mechanisms decomposed into graphlike error mechanisms. Parallel edges are merged using merge_strategy=”independent”.

get_boundary_edge_data(node: int) Dict[str, Union[Set[int], float]]

Returns the edge data associated with the boundary edge (node,).

node: int

The index of the node


A dictionary with keys fault_ids, weight and error_probability, and values giving the respective boundary edge attributes

get_edge_data(node1: int, node2: int) Dict[str, Union[Set[int], float]]

Returns the edge data associated with the edge (node1, node2).

node1: int

The index of the first node

node2: int

The index of the second node


A dictionary with keys fault_ids, weight and error_probability, and values giving the respective edge attributes

has_boundary_edge(node: int) bool

Returns True if the boundary edge (node,) is in the graph. Note: this method does not check if node is connected to a boundary node in Matching.boundary; it only checks if node is connected to the virtual boundary node (i.e. whether there is a boundary edge (node,) present).

node: int

The index of the node


True if the boundary edge (node,) is present, otherwise False.

has_edge(node1: int, node2: int) bool

Returns True if edge (node1, node2) is in the graph.

node1: int

The index of the first node

node2: int

The index of the second node


True if the edge (node1, node2) is in the graph, otherwise False.

load_from_check_matrix(check_matrix: Optional[Union[csc_matrix, spmatrix, ndarray, List[List[int]]]] = None, weights: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, error_probabilities: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, repetitions: Optional[int] = None, timelike_weights: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, measurement_error_probabilities: Optional[Union[float, ndarray, List[float]]] = None, *, faults_matrix: Optional[Union[csc_matrix, spmatrix, ndarray, List[List[int]]]] = None, merge_strategy: str = 'smallest-weight', use_virtual_boundary_node: bool = False, **kwargs) None

Load a matching graph from a check matrix

check_matrixscipy.csc_matrix or numpy.ndarray or List[List[int]]

The quantum code to be decoded with minimum-weight perfect matching, given as a binary check matrix (scipy sparse matrix or numpy.ndarray)

weightsfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If check_matrix is given as a scipy or numpy array, weights gives the weights of edges in the matching graph corresponding to columns of check_matrix. If weights is a numpy.ndarray, it should be a 1D array with length equal to check_matrix.shape[1]. If weights is a float, it is used as the weight for all edges corresponding to columns of check_matrix. By default None, in which case all weights are set to 1.0 This argument was renamed from spacelike_weights in PyMatching v2.0, but spacelike_weights is still accepted in place of weights for backward compatibility.

error_probabilitiesfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

The probabilities with which an error occurs on each edge associated with a column of check_matrix. If a single float is given, the same error probability is used for each column. If a numpy.ndarray of floats is given, it must have a length equal to the number of columns in check_matrix. This parameter is only needed for the Matching.add_noise method, and not for decoding. By default None

repetitionsint, optional

The number of times the stabiliser measurements are repeated, if the measurements are noisy. By default None

timelike_weightsfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If repetitions>1, timelike_weights gives the weight of timelike edges. If a float is given, all timelike edges weights are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the edge weight for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to timelike_weights[i]. By default None, in which case all timelike weights are set to 1.0

measurement_error_probabilitiesfloat or numpy.ndarray, optional

If repetitions>1, gives the probability of a measurement error to be used for the add_noise method. If a float is given, all measurement errors are set to the same value. If a numpy array of size (check_matrix.shape[0],) is given, the error probability for each vertical timelike edge associated with the i`th check (row) of `check_matrix is set to measurement_error_probabilities[i]. This argument can also be given using the keyword argument measurement_error_probability to maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of Pymatching. By default None

faults_matrix: `scipy.csc_matrix` or `numpy.ndarray` or List[List[int]], optional

A binary array of faults, which can be used to set the fault_ids for each edge in the constructed matching graph. The fault_ids attribute of the edge corresponding to column j of check_matrix includes fault id i if and only if faults[i,j]==1. Therefore, the number of columns in faults must match the number of columns in check_matrix. By default, faults is just set to the identity matrix, in which case the edge corresponding to column j of check_matrix has fault_ids={j}. As an example, if check_matrix corresponds to the X check matrix of a CSS stabiliser code, then you could set faults to the X logical operators: in this case the output of Matching.decode will be a binary array correction where correction[i]==1 if the decoder predicts that the logical operator corresponding to row i of faults was flipped, given the observed syndrome.

merge_strategy: str, optional

Which strategy to use when adding an edge (node1, node2) that is already in the graph. The available options are “disallow”, “independent”, “smallest-weight”, “keep-original” and “replace”. “disallow” raises a ValueError if the edge (node1, node2) is already present. The “independent” strategy assumes that the existing edge (node1, node2) and the edge being added represent independent error mechanisms, and they are merged into a new edge with updated weights and error_probabilities accordingly (it is assumed that each weight represents the log-likelihood ratio log((1-p)/p) where p is the error_probability and where the natural logarithm is used. The fault_ids associated with the existing edge are kept only, since the code has distance 2 if parallel edges have different fault_ids anyway). The “smallest-weight” strategy keeps only the new edge if it has a smaller weight than the existing edge, otherwise the graph is left unchanged. The “keep-original” strategy keeps only the existing edge, and ignores the edge being added. The “replace” strategy always keeps the edge being added, replacing the existing edge. By default, “smallest-weight”

use_virtual_boundary_node: bool, optional

This option determines how columns are handled if they contain only a single 1 (representing a boundary edge). Consider a column contains a single 1 at row index i. If use_virtual_boundary_node=False, then this column will be handled by adding an edge (i, check_matrix.shape[0]), and marking the node check_matrix.shape[0] as a boundary node with Matching.set_boundary(check_matrix.shape[0]). The resulting graph will contain check_matrix.shape[0]+1 nodes, the largest of which is the boundary node. If use_virtual_boundary_node=True then instead the boundary is a virtual node, and this column is handled with Matching.add_boundary_edge(i, …). The resulting graph will contain check_matrix.shape[0] nodes, and there is no boundary node. Both options are handled identically by the decoder, although use_virtual_boundary_node=True is recommended since it is simpler (with a one-to-one correspondence between nodes and rows of check_matrix), and is also slightly more efficient. By default, False (for backward compatibility)


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.load_from_check_matrix([[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]])
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 3 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 4 edges>

Matching objects can also be initialised from a sparse scipy matrix: >>> import pymatching >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix >>> check_matrix = csc_matrix([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]) >>> m = pymatching.Matching() >>> m.load_from_check_matrix(check_matrix) >>> m <pymatching.Matching object with 2 detectors, 1 boundary node, and 3 edges>

load_from_networkx(graph: Graph, *, min_num_fault_ids: Optional[int] = None) None

Load a matching graph from a NetworkX graph into a pymatching.Matching object


Each edge in the NetworkX graph can have optional attributes fault_ids, weight and error_probability. fault_ids should be an int or a set of ints. Each fault id corresponds to a self-inverse fault that is flipped when the corresponding edge is flipped. These self-inverse faults could correspond to physical Pauli errors (physical frame changes) or to the logical observables that are flipped by the fault (a logical frame change, equivalent to an obersvable ID in an error instruction in a Stim detector error model). The fault_ids attribute determines how the solution is output via pymatching.Matching.decode: the binary correction array has length pymatching.Matching.num_fault_ids, and correction[i] is 1 if and only if an odd number of edges in the MWPM solution have i in their fault_ids attribute. The fault_ids attribute was previously named qubit_id in an earlier version of PyMatching, and qubit_id is still accepted instead of fault_ids in order to maintain backward compatibility. Each weight attribute should be a non-negative float. If every edge is assigned an error_probability between zero and one, then the add_noise method can be used to simulate noise and flip edges independently in the graph.

min_num_fault_ids: int

Sets the minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph. Let max_id be the maximum fault id assigned to any of the edges in the graph. Then setting this argument will ensure that Matching.num_fault_ids=max(min_num_fault_ids, max_id). Note that Matching.num_fault_ids sets the length of the correction array output by Matching.decode.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> import math
>>> g = nx.Graph()
>>> g.add_edge(0, 1, fault_ids=0, weight=math.log((1-0.1)/0.1), error_probability=0.1)
>>> g.add_edge(1, 2, fault_ids=1, weight=math.log((1-0.15)/0.15), error_probability=0.15)
>>> g.nodes[0]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> g.nodes[2]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> m = pymatching.Matching(g)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 1 detector, 2 boundary nodes, and 2 edges>
load_from_retworkx(graph: PyGraph, *, min_num_fault_ids: Optional[int] = None) None

Load a matching graph from a retworkX graph


Each edge in the retworkx graph can have dictionary payload with keys fault_ids, weight and error_probability. fault_ids should be an int or a set of ints. Each fault id corresponds to a self-inverse fault that is flipped when the corresponding edge is flipped. These self-inverse faults could correspond to physical Pauli errors (physical frame changes) or to the logical observables that are flipped by the fault (a logical frame change, equivalent to an obersvable ID in an error instruction in a Stim detector error model). The fault_ids attribute was previously named qubit_id in an earlier version of PyMatching, and qubit_id is still accepted instead of fault_ids in order to maintain backward compatibility. Each weight attribute should be a non-negative float. If every edge is assigned an error_probability between zero and one, then the add_noise method can be used to simulate noise and flip edges independently in the graph.

min_num_fault_ids: int

Sets the minimum number of fault ids in the matching graph. Let max_id be the maximum fault id assigned to any of the edges in the graph. Then setting this argument will ensure that Matching.num_fault_ids=max(min_num_fault_ids, max_id). Note that Matching.num_fault_ids sets the length of the correction array output by Matching.decode.


>>> import pymatching
>>> import retworkx as rx
>>> import math
>>> g = rx.PyGraph()
>>> matching = g.add_nodes_from([{} for _ in range(3)])
>>> edge_a =g.add_edge(0, 1, dict(fault_ids=0, weight=math.log((1-0.1)/0.1), error_probability=0.1))
>>> edge_b = g.add_edge(1, 2, dict(fault_ids=1, weight=math.log((1-0.15)/0.15), error_probability=0.15))
>>> g[0]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> g[2]['is_boundary'] = True
>>> m = pymatching.Matching(g)
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 1 detector, 2 boundary nodes, and 2 edges>
property num_detectors: int

The number of detectors in the matching graph. A detector is a node that can have a non-trivial syndrome (i.e. it is a node that is not a boundary node).


The number of detectors

property num_edges: int

The number of edges in the matching graph


The number of edges

property num_fault_ids: int

The number of fault IDs defined in the matching graph


Number of fault IDs

property num_nodes: int

The number of nodes in the matching graph


The number of nodes

set_boundary_nodes(nodes: Set[int]) None

Set boundary nodes in the matching graph. This defines the nodes in nodes to be boundary nodes.

nodes: set[int]

The IDs of the nodes to be set as boundary nodes


>>> import pymatching
>>> m = pymatching.Matching()
>>> m.add_edge(0, 1)
>>> m.add_edge(1, 2)
>>> m.set_boundary_nodes({0, 2})
>>> m.boundary
{0, 2}
>>> m
<pymatching.Matching object with 1 detector, 2 boundary nodes, and 2 edges>
to_networkx() Graph

Convert to NetworkX graph Returns a NetworkX graph corresponding to the matching graph. Each edge has attributes fault_ids, weight and error_probability and each node has the attribute is_boundary.


NetworkX Graph corresponding to the matching graph

to_retworkx() PyGraph

Convert to retworkx graph Returns a retworkx graph object corresponding to the matching graph. Each edge payload is a dict with keys fault_ids, weight and error_probability and each node has a dict payload with the key is_boundary and the value is a boolean.


retworkx graph corresponding to the matching graph

Command line interface


main(*, command_line_args: List[str]) -> int

Runs the command line tool version of pymatching with the given arguments.

Random number generator

pymatching.set_seed(seed: int) None

Sets the seed of the random number generator

seed: int

The seed for the random number generator (must be non-negative)


>>> import pymatching
>>> pymatching.set_seed(10)
pymatching.randomize() None

Choose a random seed using std::random_device


>>> import pymatching
>>> pymatching.randomize()
pymatching.rand_float(from: float, to: float) float

Generate a floating point number chosen uniformly at random over the interval between from and to

from: float

Smallest float that can be drawn from the distribution

to: float

Largest float that can be drawn from the distribution


The random float